Job Database Search

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Find the right candidates for your business

We have at our disposal an extensive database - over 37,000 insurance candidates - that was developed throughout 28 years of insurance hiring and recruiting.

There is no cost for the search. There is no cost to interview our candidates.

Job Board

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Find and apply to the right job openings

Browse our job board to see current insurance job related openings. If you find a match, you can submit your resume for that position directly on our website.

Job Recruitment

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Full service insurance industry recruiting

We do the time-consuming grunt work of tracking down experienced insurance candidates within a reasonable commute of your office.

Then we screen, interview, check references, verify data, and read between the lines of what’s not on the resume to deliver the best candidates for your position.

Submit a Job

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Connect to great job opportunities.

Submitting your resume is the first step in forming an exceptional connection with Careers Unlimited Insurance . We know that there's more to you than a list of jobs and accomplishments on a document. Let us help you find your next career move.

Fill out a simple form to send us your Resume and we will get to work for you!

Background Checks &
Reference Checks

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A smarter way to screen candidates

Careers Unlimited Insurance offers smart and comprehensive background checks that enable you to focus on what’s most important — managing your business risk and making the best employment decisions.

Find the Perfect Career Today!
